Operation Round Up
What is Operation Round Up?
The purpose of the Operation Round Up program is to collect funds to provide assistance for special needs in the communities served by Surry-Yadkin EMC, particularly in situations where help is not available from other sources. For example, if an individual or family lost their home to a fire, the Operation Round Up fund could provide immediate assistance (food, clothing, shelter). In addition to emergency situations, Operation Round Up provides assistance to meet health and medical needs. Many families with a catastrophic illness (cancer, organ transplants, etc.) have been given assistance. Each need will be reviewed when an application for assistance is submitted.

Applications for assistance will be accepted for review by the Operation Round Up Fund Board of Directors, which consists of a volunteer representative from each county in the SYEMC service area. All applications are thoroughly reviewed, and funds are allocated when applicants substantiate a genuine need. Click one of the links below to download an application. Applications can also be mailed, emailed or faxed upon request. This program allows cooperatives, with the help of our members, to put money back into our local communities to improve quality of life. After all, this is what cooperatives are all about, “People Helping People.
How does the program work?
Members can volunteer to have their monthly electric bill “rounded up” to the nearest dollar. For example, if a member’s monthly bill is $80.80, the bill would be rounded up to $81 with the 20 cents going into the Operation Round Up fund. The average donation will be about $6 a year. All donations are tax deductible and will be shown on your electric bill each month.
How does one participate?
Participation in Operation Round Up is voluntary. If you want to be included in the Operation Round Up program, please contact us at 336-356-8241 or roundup@syemc.com. A member services representative will contact you for assistance.