Other Resources

Touchstone Energy® Cooperative Inc. is a national network of electric cooperatives across 45 states that provides resources and leverages partnerships to help member cooperatives and their employees better engage and serve their members. By working together, Touchstone Energy cooperatives stand as a source of power and information to their 30 million member-owners every day.

Co-ops Vote is a nonpartisan project of America's Electric Cooperatives designed to inform its members on the key issues facing electric co-ops and encourage them to vote and support their co-ops and the communities they serve when they go to the polls. We do not endorse or recommend any candidates for election.

Safe Electricity® is an internationally recognized leader in providing a wealth of safety, efficiency, and renewable energy information. Safe Electricity was created and is supported by a diverse group of organizations united by mutually important consumer issues. Our mission is to create a safer, smarter world by providing life-saving, energy-saving, and cost-saving information and resources.