On December 5, Surry-Yadkin Electric Membership Corporation (SYEMC) presented $8,500 to Surry Medical Ministries representatives, the profits from a Bingo fundraiser held in late October. On October 21, over 200 people filled the Surry County Service Center in Dobson to participate in the Bingo fundraiser hosted by SYEMC’s Community Projects Committee.
The day of the Bingo, members of SYEMC’s Community Projects Committee, a committee of employees led by chairman Travis Bode, SYEMC’s economic development manager, were joined by volunteers with Surry Medical Ministries (SMM) to put on the Bingo, which included a cake auction and silent auction.
Nancy Dixon, executive director at SMM, told the committee during the check presentation that $8,500 will provide 340 patient visits at the nonprofit medical clinic, which serves those who have no health insurance or who have a household income of 200% federal poverty level or less. She shared a couple of stories about patients they had assisted who had nowhere else to turn as she touched the hearts of committee members.
“This was the first Bingo we’ve had in several years, and I had no idea how many people in the community come out for those fundraisers. I want to thank all of the businesses and individuals who sponsored our Bingo by providing game prizes, door prizes, auction items and concessions supplies, and to the individuals who came and played Bingo and bid on items,” said Bode.
“One of Surry-Yadkin Electric’s Cooperative Principles is Concern for Community,” he said. “It is no secret that our staff and our community partners are dedicated to serving and assisting those in need in our service area.”
“It’s been a few years since I’ve helped organize a Bingo fundraiser, and I was thrilled with the support we got from both area businesses and individuals who made donations, as well as the community members who came out to play Bingo,” said Wendy Wood, chair of the Bingo event and manager of communications and community relations for SYEMC. “We also appreciated the assistance we got from Surry Medical Ministries in securing donations and providing additional volunteers for the night of the event. We are hoping to make the Bingo night an annual event.”
In addition to the Bingo, earlier in the year SYEMC was able to provide $19,000 checks to Surry County Veteran’s Council and Make-A-Wish Foundation Central and Western NC from the annual charity golf tournament hosted by the Community Projects Committee. Also, this month, the committee will be providing meals for families in our community who are in need or hosting foster children.
Surry-Yadkin EMC, a member-owned not-for-profit electric cooperative, hosts food drives, sponsors families at Christmas, sponsors youth programs like NC Youth Tour, Bright Ideas Education Grants and Touchstone Energy Sports Camp Scholarships, and more as part of the Brighter Future initiative to improve and strengthen the daily lives of our member-owners and the communities it serves.
For more information on SYEMC and its community programs, visit the cooperative’s website at syemc.com.
Surry-Yadkin EMC, a not-for-profit Touchstone Energy cooperative, was founded in 1940 by a group of local farmers with a vision to provide electricity to rural farmers and families. Its first lines were energized on Feb. 22, 1941. More than 80 years later, SYEMC serves more than 27,800 member-owner accounts in five counties, including Surry, Yadkin, Stokes, Wilkes and Forsyth.